Arlington Hardware
Arlington WA
Taylor Jones, Managing Partner
Arlington Hardware opened in 1903, the same year Arlington WA became a city. In 1983 the Jones family bought it and it is now run by a second generation family member, Taylor Jones. A wide variety of merchandise is offered along with a lumberyard and a well stocked selection of work clothes.
Arlington Hardware is not your average hardware store. Customers receive a lot of personal attention from 35 experienced, knowledgeable and friendly employees. They love hosting events and activities for the families of Arlington. A favorite is Super Saturdays where everything that is not already on sale is offered at 20% off along with plenty of popcorn. Other events include First Wednesday Senior Day and a pumpkin carving contest in October during Ladies Night. Through these events, Arlington Hardware has become more that a store; they’re a central part of their community.
Their buyer is a regular at the gift center and enjoys the variety of products that can be including fashion, gifts, house-wares and garden accessories.